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Premises Liability: Frequently Asked Questions

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If you have been involved in an accident on another person’s property, you might not know what your legal options are or how to go about filing a claim. Since procedures vary from state to state when it comes to premises liability, it is a good idea to work together with a lawyer who can help you determine which parties can be held responsible for your injury and how much compensation you may be eligible to collect. Below, we have answered five frequently asked questions about premises liability to help give you a better understanding of what you can do in your situation.

What are the duties of a property owner?

A property owner has a duty of care to perform in order to ensure the safety of any guests that may visit their property. This means that a property should be maintained and kept free of dangerous hazards, or at the very least, precautionary measures should be taken in order to warn visitors of any unsafe conditions so that they can steer clear.

What are some common types of premises liability?

Common types of premises liability cases include slip and falls, burns, electrocutions, swimming pool accidents, dog bites, construction accidents, or even assault crimes due to inadequate nighttime lighting or security measures. These are only a few examples, as potentially anything can happen depending upon the circumstances.

As a property owner, what types of conditions should I look out for to keep my guests safe?

Injuries can arise from a number of conditions. Generally speaking, it is prudent to ensure that the following is regularly checked and maintained:

  • Stairways should include sturdy railings
  • Sidewalks or parking lots should not contain cracks or potholes
  • Floors should be kept clear of merchandise, debris, or spills
  • Electrical work should be checked for flaws
  • Properties should have adequate nighttime lighting and proper security
  • Aggressive dogs should be kept secured

Due to the large number of conditions that could cause injury, this list is in no way complete, but general good sense should be exercised at all times when determining if something poses an injury risk. Action should be taken promptly once a risk is identified to protect both yourself and your visitors.

What kinds of damages can I collect in a premises liability lawsuit?

If you have been injured, you may be able to collect compensation to pay for things like medical bills, pain and suffering, emotional or mental distress, lost wages, and more. Work with your lawyer to determine who may be held accountable for your injury and what kind of recompense the facts of your case warrants.

How do I know if I have a premises liability case?

It is important to work with your lawyer to determine whether or not you have a case that falls under premises liability. Together, you can determine whether the negligence of a property owner either caused or contributed to your accident. You must be able to prove that the dangerous condition existed, that the owner knew about it and failed to correct it, and that their failure to act caused your injury.

Have further questions about premises liability? The Daspit Law Firm is a leader in Texas legal counsel with years of experience in personal injury cases. Give us a call today toll-free at (888) 221-2437 for more information and to find out how we may be able to help your

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