Based on numbers from the window blind covering industry of the United States, an estimated 17 million households with young children use a collective one billion corded window blind covering systems. This is a serious problem, given that the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has recorded nearly 800 child and infant strangulation deaths caused by window blind cords since 1973. Two recalls have been made to be rid of some of the most dangerous designs on the market, but the overall impact is far too small. To bring about the change we need to see as a nation, litigation may be needed to influence new safety legislation.
At Daspit Law Firm, our Fort Worth product liability attorneys and wrongful death lawyers are getting to work to represent parents who have tragically lost a child in a window blind cord strangulation incident. Time and time again, product manufacturers have shown that they value profits over people. To force them to make changes and safety improvements, it is often necessary to bring forth a change in safety legislation. Litigation and the pursuit of compensation for the wrongfully injured can be a great catalyst for legislative updates.
In a window blind cord strangulation lawsuit, the following damages may be pursued:
There have been some accusations that state some window blind manufacturers knew of cord strangulation hazards but chose to do nothing to improve their products. Indeed, the fact that the CPSC has been reporting on these cases for nearly 50 years is indicative of this underlying truth. The negligence of these product makers must be met with legal action that can hold them rightfully accountable.
Thanks to an organization called Parents for Window Blind Safety (PFWBS), some retailers have recently pledged to stop selling corded window cover and blinds systems, exchanging them in their stockrooms for cordless systems. This is just the beginning, though. PFWBS needs our help to spread awareness and make changes for the better.
If you have lost a child due to window blind cord strangulation, please call (888) 237-3705 to connect with Daspit Law Firm. Our Ft. Worth injury attorneys would be honored to see how we can help you and, in doing so, help parents all around the United States.
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