When your business is on the line and you are dealing with a dispute that could crumble the foundation of your corporation, you need a tough advocate on your side who has experience in these types of cases. At The Daspit Law Firm, we are proud of our experience in helping companies - from small businesses to multinational corporations - as they deal with a number of issues.
Our founding lawyer, John Daspit, spent his career prior to founding The Daspit Law Firm with one of the most prestigious and largest firms in the world, Fulbright & Jaworski. During this time, he gained valuable experience representing businesses through commercial litigation matters. He even represented an exploration company in a breach of contract dispute worth over $330 million. This case endured just one week of arbitration and resulted in a favorable result for Attorney Daspit.
We understand that no matter the size of your company, there are situations when you will need legal counsel. This is why we work with everyone from small businesses to large corporations across a wide range of industries. We help exploration and productions companies, pipeline companies, oil field pipe processors, and many more.
We can assist you and your business with the following legal matters:
At The Daspit Law Firm, we are proud to offer our prospective clients a free consultation, during which we can discuss your situation and explain how we can help. We take all information into consideration as we design a case strategy tailored to your needs. Our ultimate goal is to achieve your goals, whether through out-of-court negotiations or verdicts through trial.
Are you dealing with an issue pertaining to a business partnership? Did a former employee breach a confidentiality agreement? No matter your issue, you can trust that we have the knowledge and skill necessary to advocate on your behalf.
Call The Daspit Law Firm today for more information and to begin building your case.
All too often, accident victims are steamrolled by insurance companies determined to minimize or deny their claims. Don't let this happen to you. Hire us to fight for the compensation you deserve.
At The Daspit Law Firm, Our Team of Attorneys Handles the Full Range of Personal Injury Cases, Including Car and Truck Accidents, Industrial Accidents, Construction Accidents, Maritime & Offshore Accidents, and Much More.
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